Home >> Working Paper
Serial NumberTitleAuthor
WP1360Research on the Micro-Effect of Interest Rate LiberalizationZheng  Manni,  Li  Wengjing  and  Liu  Jianhua  
WP1341Aging and U-shape of Service-Industry Relative SizeMao  Rui,Xu  Jianwei  and  Zou  Jingxian  
WP1312Deregulation, Market Vitality and Tourism Economy DevelopmentLiu  Ruiming,Mao  Yu  and  Hang  Yankun  
WP1311Optimal Monetary Policy Rule with the Target of Financial Stability and Its Test in ChinaDeng  Chuang  and  Xu  Man  
WP1301Reexamination of “Healthy Immigrant Effect” of Migrant Workers in ChinaMa  Chao  and  Qu  Zhaopeng  
WP1300Price changes, biased technology and the Economic Structure change on the influence of the factors of labor income share iFan  Maoqing  and  Gao  Wei  
WP1299Globalization and Income Inequality: New Evidences and Mechanisms from ChinaZheng  Xinye,  Zhang  Yangyang,  Ma  Ben  and  Zhang  Li  
WP1296Are there any differences in Fulfilling Internal and External Corporate Social Responsibility?Ma  Jun  and  He  Xuan  
WP1291Firm Heterogeneity, Trade Liberalization and Market DistortionMao  Haitao,Qian  Xuefeng  and  Zhang  Jie  
WP1278Spur Growth or Promote Income Equality?——Financial Inclusion and Economic Development in ChinaPeng  Yuchao,Li  Jianjun,Gu  Leilei  and  Ma  Sichao  
WP1230The Information Governance Effects of Margin-trading and Short-sellingLi  Zhisheng,Ma  Weili,Li  Hao  and  Lin  Bingxuan  
WP1220How does the Manufacturing Industry’s Global-Production-Network Position Influence its International Specialization StatusLiu  Haiyun  and  Mao  Haiou  
WP1214Optimal Monetary Policy Rule with Financial FactorsMa  Yong  
WP1206Research on the Relation Between Population Structure, Exchange Rate and Economic Growth RateChang  ZhongZe  and  Mao  Pei  
WP1184The Transformation of China's Foreign Economic Strategy under the “New Normal”Gong  Gang,  Ma  Li,  Li  Bingnian  and  Xu  Wenge  
WP1061How Can Mirror Strategy Resolve Trade Conflicts: A Political Economy AnalysisJu  Jiandong,  Ma  Jie  and  Wei  Dong  
WP1143Cluster-based Trade Credit and Firm Export:An Explanation for China’s Export MiracleMa  Shuzhong  and  Zhang  Hongsheng  
WP1124“Debt-Deflation” Risk and Monetary-Fiscal Policy InteractionsChen  Xiaoliang  and  Ma  Xiao  
WP1099Interest Rate Liberalization and Bank DiscriminationHong  Ma  and  Yuwei  Guo  
WP1053The inter-generational transmission of trust and the social trust of teenagersMao  Xuefeng  and  Liu  Jing  
WP1052The inter-generational transmission of trust and the social trust of teenagersMao  Xuefeng  and  Liu  Jing  
WP1041Bubble Economy of online P2P Lending: Information Disclosure and Extrusion PolicyZhou  Zhenglong,  Ma  Benjiang  and  Hu  Fengying  
WP1009The inter-generational transmission of trust and the social trust of teenagersMao  Xuefeng  and  Liu  Jing  
WP1004Health Loss of Human Capital and Path of Health GDPYang  Jisheng  and  Ma  Xiaomeng  
WP895A Endogenous Path of the Transition of Economic Growth:The Excitation of Physical Capital to Human CapitalMa  Hongqi  and  Huang  Guitian  
WP885Regional protection, resource misallocation and regional environmental welfare performanceSong  Malin,  Jin  Peizhen  and  Zhou  Yuanxiang  
WP882Do Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions by Chinese Firms Create Value?——Theoretical Framework and Empirical AnalysisMa  Xiaobai  and  Wu  Changqi  
WP879Subsidy, the Factor Structure Change and Quality Improvement of Industrial Enterprises GrowthZhang  Tongbin    and    Ma  Liyuan  
WP836Does Higher Education Expansion Reduces the Rate of Return to College?——Evidences from CGSSCai  Haijing,Ma  Bianjing  and  Yao  Xianguo  
WP835Incentive of Capital Lease: Financial Constrain or Financial Flexibility?Ma  Wenjie  and  Ding  Jianping  
WP767Research on the Home Market Effect of China’s Service ExportMao  Yanhua  and  Li  Jingzi  
WP761An Extended Lewis Dual Economy Model and Its Application to ChinaYe  Zhenmao,  Zou  Yuxiang  and  Wang  Xiaobing  
WP756An empirical study of the industry characteristics and income distributionHu  Yiming  and  Maimaitiyiming  Zunong  
WP747Empirical Study on the Interest Relations of the Regional Segmentation of Chinese Pension Insurance SystemHou  Fengyun  and  Ma  Kaixuan  
WP745Does Government Subsidy Stimulate Firms’ New Product Innovation?——Evidence from Chinese Manufacturing FirmsMao  Qilin  and  Xu  Jiayun  
WP744Official’s Turnover and Local Government Debt IssueLuo  Danglun  and  Yu  Guoman  
WP703A Study on Time-Varying Spillover Effects of China’s Financial Markets Zhao  Hua  and  Ma  Lu  
WP702Operation Mechanism of Macro-Policy Based on Zero Lower BoundMa  Li  and  Lou  Tiantian  
WP669The tax burden distribution between corporation and employees in a high-tax environmentMa  Shuang,  Zhao  Weiyi  and  Zhang  Xiang  
WP605Credit Constraints and Families’ EntrepreneurshipMa  Shuang  and  Dong  Yang  
WP601Does Financial Liberalization Increase Rural Households’ Credit Availability?——Empirical Analysis based on Rural HoWang  Changyun,  Zhong  Teng  and  Zheng  Huamao  
WP547Are the Semi-mandatory Dividend Rules Effective?Wei  Zhihua,  Li  Maoliang  and  Li  Changqing  
WP546Performance Aspiration, Managerial Discretion and Strategic Change: An Empirical Study in ChinaLian  Yanling,  He  Xiaogang,  Zhou  Bing  and  Marian  (Dan-Wei)  Wen  
WP501Performance Aspiration, Managerial Discretion and Strategic Change: An Empirical Study in ChinaLian  Yanling,  He  Xiaogang,  Zhou  Bing  and  Marian  (Dan-Wei)  Wen  
WP448An empirical study of the income distribution of the taxes, capital gains and labor incomeYiming  Hu  and  Maimaitiyiming  Zunong  
WP444China's Manufacturing Firms' Entry-exit and Dynamic Evolution of TFPMao  Qilin  and  Sheng  Bin  
WP412A Research on the Characters and Efficiency of Chinese National Income Growth under Open CircumstancesFan  Zhiyong  and  Mao  Xuefeng  
WP374Should the General Purpose Transfers be Strengthened? -An Analysis Based on Distortionary Tax and the Flypaper EffectMao  Jie  and  Lv  Bingyang  
WP318Macroeconomic Component and Idiosyncratic Shock of China’s CPI IndexWang  Shaoping  and  Zhu  Manzhou  
WP314Factor Inputs, Food Security and Farmers’ Income: Effects, Conflict and coordinationPeng  Keqiang  and  Ma  Xiao  
WP311The “Red Power” of EntrepreneursMai  Yiyuan,  He  Xiaobin  and  Xiong  Chan  
WP305Estimating Land Pricing Behavior of China’s Local Governments--A Conjecture Variation ApproachLI  Bing    Chen  Ting  and  Ma  Sen  
WP279The Theory and Empirical Analysis on the Average Profit RateCHENG  Enfu    MA  Yan    and    LI  Zhen  
WP263The Controversy on Value Transformation and New Dynamic SolutionCheng  Enfu,  Ma  Yan  and  Yan  Jinqiang  
WP243Job Creation and Destruction in China: Evidence of Manufacturing Industry between 1998 and 2007Ma  Hong,  Qiao  Xue,  and  Xu  Yuan  
WP164Productivity Heterogeneity, Minimum Wage and Firms’ Exports in ChinaChuren  Sun    Shuang  Ma  and  Guoqiang  Tian  
WP143SME Credit Guarantee Risk Allocation and Risk-based Pricing MechanismLiu  Liya,  Hu  Naihong,  Ma  Xiaoqing  and  Liu  Wei  
WP132Market Size, Cannibalization and Policy Competition for a Multiproduct Multinational FirmMa  Jie  ,  Yue  Yang  and  Duan  Qi  
WP126Separation of Ownership and Control, Free Entry and Its Welfare ImplicationsMa  Jie,Duan  Qi  and  Zhang  Weiying  
WP110Spot Reward Decision-making Process to Adjust the Experimental Study of Belief ——Double Tournament Game Based on a SimpliXia  Mao-sen  Zhu  Xian-chen    and  Jiang  Ling-ling  
WP105Effective Implemental Procedure of Monetary Policy to Fight InflationWang  Xi,Zou  Wenli  and  Ye  Mao  
WP15Why Can Social Networks Raise Income? Ma  Guangrong  Yang  Enyan  
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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