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A Research on the Characters and Efficiency of Chinese National Income Growth under Open Circumstances
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TitleA Research on the Characters and Efficiency of Chinese National Income Growth under Open Circumstances  
AuthorFan Zhiyong and Mao Xuefeng  
OrganizationSchool of Economics, Renmin University of China,School of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Renmin University of China, 
Key WordsNational Income; Translog Production Function; Terms of Trade; TFP 
AbstractThis paper undertakes growth accounting of China from 1981-2010 based on index number theory and parametric estimation approaches under open circumstances. The results indicate that although China has enjoyed remarkably high income growth, TFP has been slowing down and the growth in income depends heavily on capital accumulation in recent years. The deteriorating terms of trade has been playing a significant negative role in income growth. This paper also studies the impact of TFP and the changes in both domestic absorb goods prices and the terms of trade on sector output and factor income in China. 
Serial NumberWP412 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
  • Copyright Economic Research Journal
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