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Does Higher Education Expansion Reduces the Rate of Return to College?——Evidences from CGSS
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TitleDoes Higher Education Expansion Reduces the Rate of Return to College?——Evidences from CGSS  
AuthorCai Haijing,Ma Bianjing and Yao Xianguo  
OrganizationZhejiang University;; 
Key WordsHEE; Returns to Higher Education; LATE 
AbstractUsing data from CGSS, this paper quantitatively examines the heterogeneous effect of Higher Education Expansion(HEE)on return to higher education between treated groups. First, under conceptual framework of the counter-factual and local average treatment effect, we identify different treated groups whose educational achievement was affected by HEE: never-takers; compliers and always-takers. The results show that: for compilers, its revenue grew by about 40%; for always-takers, the advantages of revenue was not significantly weakened; enrollment policy effects of heterogeneity university education significantly different rates of return between men and women in the sample. It is necessary to equalize the quality of education, expand student loans benefit from measures to protect vulnerable groups, such as surface rights of higher education. 
Serial NumberWP836 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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