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How Can Mirror Strategy Resolve Trade Conflicts: A Political Economy Analysis
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TitleHow Can Mirror Strategy Resolve Trade Conflicts: A Political Economy Analysis  
AuthorJu Jiandong, Ma Jie and Wei Dong  
Organization Shanghai University of Finance and Economics; The University of International Business and Economics; New York University;; 
Key WordsTariff; Trade Protectionism; Mirror Strategy; Lobbying 
Abstract“Mirror strategy” is a commitment made by a country to let its trade policy to be a function of the trade policy of another country. This paper studies the effectiveness of “mirror strategy” in inhibiting trade protectionism and its underlying mechanism. Motivated by China-EU trade dispute in photovoltaic industry, we introduce “mirror strategy” into Grossman and Helpman’s (1995) “trade war” model, and mainly focus on the type of “mirror strategy” that makes a country’s import tariff positively correlated with another country’s import tariff. We show that: i) under certain conditions, the use of “mirror strategy” by a country will reduce the equilibrium import tariff chosen by another country; ii) one important driving force of this reduction of trade restrictions is the induced domestic political competition between different interest groups; another driving force is the terms-of-trade effect caused by the use of this strategy; iii) “mirror strategy” will improve the social welfare of the country that uses it, and may also also enhance the welfare of the other country, resulting in Pareto improvement. 
Serial NumberWP1061 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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