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An empirical study of the industry characteristics and income distribution
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TitleAn empirical study of the industry characteristics and income distribution  
AuthorHu Yiming and Maimaitiyiming Zunong  
OrganizationShanghai Jiaotong University, Antai College of Economics and Management;Tianjin University, Department of Accounting and Financial Management 
Key Wordsincome distribution; industry characteristics; capital gain; labor income; 
AbstractIn this paper, using a sample from china’s listed companies during the period 2000-2011, we discuss and investigate the impact of industry characteristics on the firm-level income distribution measured by the government, employees, shareholders and creditors’ income which are standardized by company total assets. We find that: 1) there are many differences in income distribution among the industries. For example, the industry with the highest labor income rate is mining industry (10.35%) while the lowest one is real estate industry (1.65%). From the perspective of shareholders income rate, mining industry (9.57%) is the highest one, but construction industry(3.18%) is the lowest one; 2) Full competitive industries have higher tax and shareholders income rates but lower labor income rates than non-competitive industries, labor intensive industries have higher labor income rates than capital intensive industries, and export oriented industries have lower tax and shareholders income rates but higher labor income rates than domestic oriented industries.  
Serial NumberWP756 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
  • Copyright Economic Research Journal
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