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An empirical study of the income distribution of the taxes, capital gains and labor income
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TitleAn empirical study of the income distribution of the taxes, capital gains and labor income  
AuthorYiming Hu and Maimaitiyiming Zunong  
OrganizationShanghai Jiaotong University, Antai College of Economics and Management 
Key Wordsthe distribution of the income; capital gains; labor shares; tax 
AbstractThe distribution of the income among the three stakeholders in the firms—government, investors (including shareholders and creditors) and labors is mainly reflected in the relationship among tax, capital gains and salaries. In this paper, with the Shanghai and Shenzhen listed companies during 2000-2011 as the samples, we find that the descending order is the return on capital, the rate of labor income and the tax burden on unit assets. The rate of labor income increases year by year, while the rate of shareholder’s income fluctuates greatly. We also find that the ownership of the firms, being in the monopoly industries, the registration region and the size of the firms will take some influence on the distribution of the income of the firms. 
Serial NumberWP448 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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