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The Theory and Empirical Analysis on the Average Profit Rate
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TitleThe Theory and Empirical Analysis on the Average Profit Rate  
AuthorCHENG Enfu MA Yan and LI Zhen  
OrganizationChinese Academy of Social Sciences; Shanghai University of Finance & Economics; East China of Normal University,, 
Key WordsThe Trend of Average Profit Rate; Connotation Organic Composition of Capital; long-term trend analysis 
AbstractThe falling rule of average profit rate is one of important classical theory in Marxian Economics, and also raises the hot discussion around the topic idea of existence of falling profit rate. This article attempts to draw the labor’s subjective condition change into the organic composition of capital in the base of systematically arranging and analyzing the existing research, and then differentiates the organic composition of capital as the short-term and the long-term, the unidirection and the bidirection, the connotation and the extension. Under the hypothesis of connotation organic composition of capital, we construct the model of average profit rate with the method of the time series technique, thereby obtains the conclusion that the average rate of profit could be three kinds of trend--rise, drop and the constant. Finally, this article confirms the theoretical conclusion by the US's history empirical data. 
Serial NumberWP279 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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