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Standardized development of Chinese Private Financing In the symbiosis of “the private investment and financing”
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TitleStandardized development of Chinese Private Financing In the symbiosis of “the private investment and financing”  
AuthorLi Yuanhua  
OrganizationBusiness School,Wenzhou University 
Key Wordsprivate financing;private economy;symbiotic evolution; Financing specification 
AbstractPrivate financing spread development with the rise of private economy, mainly for provide financing services to the private economy, and form a direct “symbiotic relationship” with the private economy . “Private investment and financing”symbiotic evolution, has improved the survival and development of symbiotic economic units, makes the private economy and private finance have access to the same opportunity for the development of evolution, but also brought illegal operation, high interest loans,the rise in default cases and a large number of financing order problems need to be solved ugently. Because of the economic symbiosis, the non-governmental financial supervision should not only take the private finance itself into account, but also take into account the symbiotic development of the private economy. It is helpful to improve and perfect the management of civil finance and ecology, and to construct a new order which conforms to the norms of non-governmental financial operation and innovation and development, from the perspective of symbiosis. 
Serial NumberWP1401 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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