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For have a source head the flowing water: Floating population and urban entrepreneurial activity
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TitleFor have a source head the flowing water: Floating population and urban entrepreneurial activity  
AuthorLi Xinchun and Ye Wenping  
OrganizationSun Yat-sen Business School 
Key WordsEntrepreneurial activity; floating population; Institutional environment; Internet development level 
AbstractAs an important social phenomenon in the process of China's industrialization and urbanization, the floating population has a great impact on the entrepreneurial activity in China. Is there a close relationship between regional differences in entrepreneurial activity and floating population? In this paper, we use the panel data of 56 cities in 2010-2014 to analyze the problem theoretically and empirically. The fixed effect model, Driscoll and Kraay (1998) based on the empirical method and instrumental variable method. The result showed that the city will improve the entrepreneurial activity of floating population proportion, the degree of marketization and the level of development of the Internet will significantly promote the floating population on the positive impact of entrepreneurial activity. This study not only reveals the mystery of the regional differences of entrepreneurial activity in China, but also expands the institutional analysis of entrepreneurial activity. 
Serial NumberWP1399 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
  • Copyright Economic Research Journal
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