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Public Finance, Social Mobility, and Long-term Economy Growth
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TitlePublic Finance, Social Mobility, and Long-term Economy Growth  
AuthorTong Jian  
OrganizationCentral University of Finance and Economics 
Key WordsEconomy Growth; Public Finance;Social Mobility;Dynamic Inequality;Static Inequality 
AbstractBased on the dynamic deductive relationship between static inequality and dynamic inequality, the article establishes the theoretical model among public finance, social mobility, and economy growth. From theoretical research, the static inequality shows monotone increasing strictly without the policy intervention that is typical anti-Kuznets fact generated in economic entity. However, impacted by the public education spending policy, improvement of the social mobility, associated with economy growth, results in the decrease of dynamic inequality which prompts static inequality reflects the asymmetrical feature. This discovery provides a new viewpoint of the reason the Kuznets curve formed, which is proved by the empirical research. Moreover, it also finds that formation stage of income inequality in different areas exists difference. Thus, the article suggests the government should fully recognize that the reason why Kuznets curve cannot explain the income inequality in China, improving the public finance policy to perfect both static inequality and dynamic inequality then. Meanwhile, conducting the distinguished public finance policies for the difference of areas is essential to accelerate the inflection point of Kuznets curve. 
Serial NumberWP1383 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
  • Copyright Economic Research Journal
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