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Confucianism and Entrepreneurship
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TitleConfucianism and Entrepreneurship  
AuthorZhang Chuanchuan, Shen Guangjun, and Chen Binkai  
OrganizationSchool of Economics, Central University of Finance and Economics;; 
Key WordsConfucianism; Entrepreneurship; Epidemiological Approach; Migrants 
AbstractThe relationship between culture and economy is the main focus of cultural economics. Using data from a series of nationally presentative surveys of migrants, this paper employs the epidemiological approach to study how Confucianism impacts entrepreneurship in modern China. The findings are as follows. First of all, migrants are more likely to be self-employed if they come from provinces influenced deeply by Confucianism, and the results stay robust to alternative measurement, various samples and different specifications. Secondly, migrants from provinces influenced by Confucianism worker harder, spend less and pay close attention to public affairs, which help them to start business. This study identifies a channel how culture enhances economic growth, and provides evidence for the Chinese to rebuild up our cultural self-confidence. 
Serial NumberWP1351 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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