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Does Changing the Dynamics of Economic Growth Imply Weakening Investment?
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TitleDoes Changing the Dynamics of Economic Growth Imply Weakening Investment?  
AuthorLi Jing  
OrganizationChongqing Technology and Business University,CTBU 
Key WordsGreen development;Transformation of growth dynamics;Efficient investment 
AbstractTo achieve the steady and effective transformation of growth dynamics is definitely the priority of the new normal of China’s economy. This study aims to evaluation on the transformation of growth dynamics of China’s economy and analysis on AK model based on green development Philosophy .The main findings are as follows. First, in the period of 1978 to 2016, China's economic growth was mainly driven by input. The transition index of economic growth dynamics was 0.16, and the annual growth rate of total factor productivity was around 1.3%. Generalized innovation-driven contributed 13.5%. 6.3 per cent of economic growth derived from environmental destruction. Second, in 2013 to 2016, as the digestion period of the RMB 4 trillion investment, the strategy of Chinese central government of focusing on growth quality and adhering to green development had acquired an obvious effect. The contribution of economic impetus that sacrificed our ecological environment declined to -4.5%. However, probably due to the lack of efficient investment, the overall effect of innovation-driven strategy has not emerged macroscopically throughout the country. Third, in the period of 2013 to 2016, the contribution of investment growth rate to inter-regional’s transformation differences of economic growth dynamics were 19.9%. Effective investment in each period significantly promotes the transformation of economic growth dynamics. Therefore, it is not advisable to weaken investment in order to achieve innovation-driven. 
Serial NumberWP1343 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
  • Copyright Economic Research Journal
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