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An Analysis of the Consumption Structure of Chinese Urban Households: 1995-2013
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TitleAn Analysis of the Consumption Structure of Chinese Urban Households: 1995-2013  
AuthorTang Qi , Xia Qingjie and Li Shi  
OrganizationSchool of Economics, Peking University;BNU Business School, Beijing Normal University;; 
Key WordsConsumption Structure; Eight Categories; Consumer Price Elasticity; Expenditure Elasticity; QUAIDS Model 
AbstractThis paper uses the QUAIDS structural equation model to analyze the data of CHIP1995, 2002 and 2013(urban). It is found that during the period of 1995 to 2013, the structure of urban household consumption in China has changed greatly in space, time and the different types of families. In the space, the regional differences comes to two stages(east, west and central) from three stages(east, west, central); in 1995-2000, the total consumption did not show a significant increase, but the consumption structure changes significantly; However, in 2002-2013, the total amount of household consumption increased rapidly, the absolute value of consumer price elasticity gradually increased, the consumption expenditure elasticity gradually tend to 1, the family consumption structure is more affected by the market price rather than disposable income. With the increasing wealth of Chinese urban families, the share of food consumption, household equipment and services consumption in total consumption has been declining, but the share of housing consumption has increased from 23% in 1995 to 38% in 2013, The rising share of housing consumption will squeeze out other household consumption, reduce aggregate demand, and increase the pressure on wages. 
Serial NumberWP1304 
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