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Air Pollution and Migration of High-Skilled Workers in China
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TitleAir Pollution and Migration of High-Skilled Workers in China  
AuthorLi Ming and Zhang Yiran  
OrganizationUniversity of International Business and Economics, 
Key WordsAir Pollution, Migration, Huai River Heating Policy, Causality 
AbstractThere has more and more concern in China about whether people “vote with their feet” for places with good air quality. With the limitation of the data, however, there have been few direct tests of this question. Using the panel data matched overseas students at school level with city level air quality, this paper investigates the effect of air pollution on the migration of high-skilled workers. Our empirical strategy leverages the Huai River heating policy, which created discontinuous quasi-experimental variation in air pollution between the north and south of the river. We find that the number of oversea students decreased, if the air quality worsened. Further research shows that, oversea students funding by themselves are more sensitive than students funding by Chinese government. We think, migration cost and the developmental level of the countries those students coming from, maybe the probably reason for this heterogeneity. 
Serial NumberWP1282 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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