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The impact of global oil price shocks on China's agriculture markets
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TitleThe impact of global oil price shocks on China's agriculture markets  
AuthorZhang Chuanguo and Liu Feng  
OrganizationSchool of Economics in Xiamen University 
Key WordsCrude Oil price; Volatility Jump; Agriculture Market; Spillover Effect; ARJI Model 
AbstractThis paper investigated global oil price’s shocks and its spillover effects on China's agriculture markets using improved ARMA-GARCH-ARJI model and ARMA-EGARCH model. The results show that all change rates of prices (index) had significant skewed normal volatility clustering effects, and the volatility of oil price was characterized by an intermittent jump feature. In terms of its spillover effects, although the impacts of "expected" and "unexpected" oil price shocks were significantly asymmetric, but the transmission mechanisms were different. As for the volatility jump shocks, the risk rates of agriculture markets were excessively ?sensitive to the “abnormal” jumps of oil market risk, and presented an "over-adjusting first and then rationally callback tendency" in China's agriculture markets at both overall and specific market levels. 
Serial NumberWP1259 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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