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Risk Concept and the Chinese Household’s Financial Market Participation
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TitleRisk Concept and the Chinese Household’s Financial Market Participation  
AuthorLiao Jinglin and Wang Cong  
OrganizationJinan University; 
Key WordsRisk Concept; Participation in Financial Market; Cultural Dimension 
AbstractApproaching from the perspective of risk concept in cultural system, this paper attempts to analyze the influential factors in Chinese household’ financial market participation. Referring to the residential questionnaire of CGSS in 2013, the study utilizes three indexes, namely, power distance, uncertainty avoidance and collectivism as the indicators of risk aversion and exemplifies the risk concept’s constraint on Chinese household’ financial market participation. It finds out that the risk concept has a strong effect on the participation in financial market by Chinese household on the premise that other factors in financial decision-making are under controlled. The more prevailing risk concept is, in other words, the higher risk aversion is, the lower residential participation in stock market is. This research provides a new idea for answering residents’ low participation in the domestic stock market, enriching the related works of consumer finance. 
Serial Number1233 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
  • Copyright Economic Research Journal
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