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Land Fiscal Revenue and Land Grant——A Perspective of "Dose-Response" Based on Land Use Constraints
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TitleLand Fiscal Revenue and Land Grant——A Perspective of "Dose-Response" Based on Land Use Constraints  
AuthorWang Chong  
Organizationschool of Public Economics and Administration, Shanghai Universtiy of Finance and Economics 
Key WordsLand Fiscal; Land Transfer Contraints; Does-Response Method; Heterogeous Reaction 
AbstractBased on the incremental and qualitative changes of the land institutional constraints, This paper used the dose response analysis of land grant to question whether there is the endogeneous behavior and observable self selection which were based on land fiscal revenue, and the heterogeneous reaction between the land fiscal revenue and the land grant while controlling the unobservable self selection behavior. The study found that the motivation of land grant which based on land fiscal revenue has further enhanced, and to some extent, reshaping the behavior of land fiscal of local government. Specific performance for the constraints of land grant is the stronger mechanism to rent by land grant, and more significant grant incentive by the tax on the state-owned, private and foreign industrial enterprises, and the level of substitution effect between tax on real estate industry and land grant is further amplified under the grant constraints. All conclusions are confirmed by the including the control of land use index in the central government and the dynamic panel data analysis. 
Serial NumberWP1198 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
  • Copyright Economic Research Journal
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