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Marx's Income Distribution Theory and Its Modern Enlightenment
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TitleMarx's Income Distribution Theory and Its Modern Enlightenment  
AuthorCao Yongdong  
OrganizationUniversity of International Business and Economics 
Key Wordsthe labor-capital contradiction; the distribution according to work;the distribution according to contribution;bourgeois right;the transitional society. 
AbstractMarx’s income distribution theory about the capitalist mode of production reveals the antagonistic labor-capital contradiction in the capitalist mode of production. The antagonistic labor-capital contradiction is the root of all contradictions in the capitalist mode of production ,and it runs through the whole process of the capitalism from produce, development, to perish. The future communist society is the combo of free men beyond bourgeois right, and its basic characteristics is the public ownership of means of production and the planned allocation of social labor time, Its corresponding modes of distribution is the distribution according to work in its lower stage and the distribution according to needs in its higher stage. The antagonistic labor-capital contradiction is still the basic contradiction of modern capitalism after self-adaptation. The system of socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics has the nature of the transition to a future communist society, It basically meets the requirement of existing social productivity development in our country, and thus created a miracle in China. 
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  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
  • Copyright Economic Research Journal
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