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Long-term effect of historical factors
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TitleLong-term effect of historical factors  
AuthorDeng Hongtu and Song Gaoyan  
OrganizationEconomics School, Nankai University; 
Key WordsDegree Distribution; the Cadres' Degree Distribution; Institutional Quality; Regional Economic Growth; Institutional Transition 
AbstractIn this paper, we study how historical factors might affect the path of economic growth and social development in different regions, so this paper investigates the relationship between knowledge distribution (degree distribution) and institutional quality. Studies have shown that historical factors have long-term impact on economic growth and social development, but with the help of knowledge distribution formed in the historical evolution, it can play a substantial role. (In the early days of the PRC founding), the cadres' degree distribution is historically formed, and it is logically isomorphic to the knowledge distribution which is also determined by the history. We find that in the early days of the PRC founding, the cadres' degree distribution will affect the institution and policy implementation in different regions (i.e., institutional quality) , then indirectly affect the path of economic growth and social development in those places, so that there appeared observable differences on the path of growth and social development in different provinces. Based on the investigation to the degree distribution and institutional quality, this paper develops a framework for analyzing the difference of economic growth path in different provinces. In our view, this framework is valuable for understanding the growth and transformation of China in recent decades. 
Serial NumberWP1122 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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