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Experimental Economics: Where Next?
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TitleExperimental Economics: Where Next?  
AuthorLiangcong Fan and Lu Liu  
OrganizationZhejiang University; 
Key WordsExperimental Economics; Empiric; Theory; Theory of Behavior and Social Order; Adam Smith 
AbstractThe process of experimentation in economics is growing fast and fast. At present, economists have come to increasingly rely on experiments to explain and predict economic phenomenon. This paper highly summarized the empirical breakthroughs achieved by experimental economists, and then evaluated the three theoretical approaches they exert to synthesize the empirical findings. We argued that none of the three theoretical approaches could integrate all the empirical findings because none of them could attend to one thing without losing sight of the other when dealing with the theory of behavior and social order. We also argued that the theory Adam Smith elaborated in The Theory of Moral Sentiments shed a valuable light on how to construct an integrative behavior and social order theory in the future.  
Serial NumberWP1119 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
  • Copyright Economic Research Journal
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