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Property Effect on Family Labor Supply: Evidence from China
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TitleProperty Effect on Family Labor Supply: Evidence from China  
AuthorWang Yong and Ge Yanxia  
OrganizationTsinghua University;geyanxia@ 
Key WordsProperty Income;Labor Supply; Income Effect;Quantile Regression 
AbstractThis paper analyzes the impact of property income on labor supply, through introduced property income into Becker labor supply model. Based on CFPS2012 data, we use logit regression model and quantile regression model to test the effect of family property income on family labor supply. The empirical analysis results show that: (1) the increase of family property income will reduce employment possibility and the influence of the offspring is greater. (2) Property income effect on family labor supply obeys monotonic decreasing law, and there is a threshold effect about 20 points. (3) More family property stocks will significantly increase the reduction effect of property income on the offspring’s working time, but not significant for their father. This shows that the offspring’s labor supply is more sensitive to property income. Overall, compared with the impact of property income on employment probability and labor time is greater than the stock of assets. If we consider the effect of taxation on labor supply, the proposal with assets as the standard is not reasonable, the property income as the standard may be more reasonable. 
Serial NumberWP1072 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
  • Copyright Economic Research Journal
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