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The Nonlinear Price Transmission between CPI and PPI: Production Chain and Price expectation
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TitleThe Nonlinear Price Transmission between CPI and PPI: Production Chain and Price expectation  
AuthorSun Jianqiang, Cui Xiaomei and Cai Yumei  
OrganizationSchool of Economics and Commerce, South China University of Technology;; 
Key WordsConsumer price index; Producer price index; Price transmission 
AbstractThis paper investigates the transmission machenisms underlying the links between CPI and PPI, production chain and price expectation. A nonlinear chaos model (MNMG) is proposed to examine the linear and nonlinear links between CPI and PPI. MNMG model is empicailly shown to overwhelm the linear methods (VAR/VEC) and nonlinear methods (TVAL/Tn) which are usually used to examine the causality between CPI and PPI. Empirical evidence shows that CPI responds to the changes of CPI at a time lag of 1-4 momths, PPI responds to the changes of CPI at a time lag of 1-2 months. Both the machenisms, producton chain and price expectation, drive the links, but the latter plays a more sinificant role. The results suggest a deflation expectation management for the current deflation in the industry section in Chinese economy. 
Serial NumberWP1036 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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