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The Impact of Compulsory Transfer Payments on Education Equity
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TitleThe Impact of Compulsory Transfer Payments on Education Equity  
AuthorZhao Haili  
OrganizationZhejiang University of Finance & Economics 
Key Wordstransfer payments; education equity; benefit incidence analysis; counterfactual  
AbstractCompulsory transfer payments is an important way to promote education equity, but an objective evaluation of the effect needs to consider the behavior of the reaction, that is, a counterfactual analysis. Based on 53 counties 2006-2010’s data, the article get the following results: First, The transfer payment on compulsory education promotes the equity because the main beneficiaries are those who live in the area with lowest GDP per capita and residents who live in area with the highest GDP per capita are losers, But, the main losers are those who live in the area with the middle GDP per capita. They are the lowest point of the U-shaped structure of the distribution of net benefit. Moreover, the benefit distribution after transfer payment on compulsory education is still favors the residents of higher GDP per capita. That is controversy with the pattern of majority countries "low-income groups share more public education resources than high-income groups". There is still a big gap between reality and ideals.  
Serial NumberWP974 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
  • Copyright Economic Research Journal
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