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Market development, non-agricultural employment and farmers’ choice
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TitleMarket development, non-agricultural employment and farmers’ choice  
AuthorSui Fumin  
OrganizationInstitute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 
Key WordsFarmers; Economic Rationality; Baoding; Non-agricultural Employment 
AbstractThis paper discusses the impact of the land market, labor market and non-agricultural employment on farmers’ behavior in the 11 villages of Qingyuan county in the twentieth Century 30-40's by using Wuxi and Baoding countryside survey data. We found that, despite land market and labor market in the 11 villages of Qingyuan county is relatively underdeveloped, but farmers can allocate their resources through the land and the labor market in an economic rational manner. Of course, from the effects of family welfare, to increase the input of production factor in the factor market has improved significantly per capita income of farmers, and reducing the inputs is not significantly improved. Moreover, we find that the non-farm employment has a significant effect on the improvement of the farmers’ per capita income. 
Serial NumberWP941 
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