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Multinational Retailers and Manufacturing Industry Resource Reallocation Efficiency of China
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TitleMultinational Retailers and Manufacturing Industry Resource Reallocation Efficiency of China  
AuthorLi Kunwang Zhou Xiaoxue and Wang Yongjin  
OrganizationDepartment of International Economics and Trade, NanKai University;;; 
Key WordsMultinational Retailers;Retail Channel Selection;Resource Allocation Efficiency;Productivity Dispersion 
AbstractThis paper discusses the influences of multinational retailers’ entry on resource allocation efficiency of China's manufacturing industry from the angle of industry association of upstream and downstream industries. We firstly construct a manufacturer-retailer model based on the framework of heterogeneous firm theory to analyze how the entry of multinational retailers affect resource allocation efficiency of the upstream manufacturing industry through the effects of self-selection and market reallocation. On the basis of theoretical analysis, we choose 11 major multinational retailers operating in China to examine the impacts of multinational retail firms on resource allocation efficiency of China manufacturing industries from the aspects of productivity distribution and firm dynamics using the Chinese manufacturing firm data from 2000 to 2007. The empirical analysis point that the entrance of multinational retail firms mitigated productivity dispersion, accelerated the exit of the least productive firms, improved resources allocation efficiency and increased overall productivity of manufacturing industries. 
Serial NumberWP939 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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