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Welfare Cost of Economic Fluctuations during after High Speed Development Period
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TitleWelfare Cost of Economic Fluctuations during after High Speed Development Period  
AuthorZhang Keng  
OrganizationShanghai International Studies University 
Key WordsEconomic Fluctuations; Welfare Cost; Transitional Economy 
AbstractThe article estimates the welfare cost of Chinese economic fluctuations and analyses transnational intertemporal data during transitional period. 1. The welfare cost of Chinese economic fluctuations is larger than that of American economic fluctuations, which implies that Lucas judgement is not supported in China. 2. The difference in welfare cost between China and America has its general implication. Totally speaking, welfare cost of economic fluctuations in developing countries is important, meanwhile that in developed countries is not important. 3. When the first rapid growth period is ended, welfare cost of economic fluctuations will go down. However, Lucas judgement is not supported yet for the new period. These findings imply that fully understanding social environment of transitional economy is important for analyzing Chinese economic fluctuations. 
Serial NumberWP924 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
  • Copyright Economic Research Journal
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