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Growth Differentials, the Life-Cycle Hypothesis and the Allocation Puzzle
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TitleGrowth Differentials, the Life-Cycle Hypothesis and the Allocation Puzzle  
AuthorYao Yang and Zou Jingxian  
OrganizationPeking University; 
Key Wordsthe allocation puzzle; current accounts; global imbalances 
AbstractWe propose an explanation for the allocation puzzle based on the life-cycle hypothesis. In 2-period overlapping generation model, ceteris paribus, a country with a higher growth rate registers larger excessive capital supply in autarky. Consequently, interest rates are lower in faster-growing countries. In an open world economy, capital then flows from faster-growing countries to countries growing more slowly. However, the strength of finance and the composition of trading partners can alter this relationship. Our empirical results find that this relationship not only holds at the global level, but also among developed countries when the average growth rates of their corresponding trading partners are controlled.  
Serial NumberWP869 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
  • Copyright Economic Research Journal
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