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Are State-Owned Enterprises the Curse of Economic Growth?
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TitleAre State-Owned Enterprises the Curse of Economic Growth?  
AuthorQi Hao and Zhang Chen  
OrganizationSchool of Economics, Renmin University of China; 
Key WordsState-owned Enterprises; Economic Growth; Allocation Efficiency; Productive Efficiency; Overtime Work 
AbstractWhat effect do China’s state-owned enterprises have on economic growth? This paper analyzes this question with the growth model from the School of Social Structure of Accumulation. From the perspective of Social Structure of Accumulation and based on the differences of state-owned and private enterprises in working hours and the speed of technological progress, this paper proposes the following hypothesis: the allocation efficiency of private enterprises relies on overtime work which is not sustainable in the long run so that the tradeoff between the two kinds of efficiency can only happen in the short run while in the long run, state-owned enterprises promotes economic growth through the growth of productive efficiency. Based on the growth model of the Social Structure of Accumulation, this paper finds that raising the state-owned share in the economy has no negative effect on economic growth, and has a significant positive effect in the long run. In addition, this paper replicates empirical studies whose conclusions contradict with ours and finds these studies unconvincing due to econometric deficiencies. In sum, state-owned enterprises are favorable to economic growth. 
Serial NumberWP861 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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