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Impact of Changes in Regional Economic Pattern on Carbon Emissions in China
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TitleImpact of Changes in Regional Economic Pattern on Carbon Emissions in China  
AuthorZhang Youguo  
OrganizationInstitute of Quantitative & Technical Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 
Key WordsRegional economic pattern; carbon emissions; multi-regional input-output model; spatial structural decomposition 
AbstractThis paper establishes a spatial structural decomposition method based on multi-regional input-output model and applies it to analyze the impact of changes in regional economic pattern at the provincial level on carbon emissions in China in 2020-2030. The results indicate that the carbon emissions and carbon efficiency in the eastern region are obviously higher than those in other regions but the share of eastern region in total carbon emissions will decrease steadily in the whole studied period. The scale effect caused by provincial economic growth always dominant the change in carbon emissions in China while the technological progress is always the most important factor for reducing carbon emissions. The changes in regional structures of final demand and intermediate input are not good for reduction carbon emissions in 2002-2010 and this trend will extend in the whole period. The changes in allocation and sector structures of final demand increase carbon emissions before 2010 but they will be important factors for carbon mitigating in the future. Therefore, further enforcing technological progress, reasonably setting regional targets of carbon emissions and optimizing the allocation and sector structures of final demand are important approaches for earlier reaching the summit of carbon emissions in China.  
Serial NumberWP856 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
  • Copyright Economic Research Journal
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