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Chinese Capital Utilization Rate, Burden of Corporate Taxation and Structure Adjustment
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TitleChinese Capital Utilization Rate, Burden of Corporate Taxation and Structure Adjustment  
AuthorGong Min, Xie Pan and Li Wen Pu  
OrganizationXiaMen University;; 
Key WordsCapital Utilization Rate; Fixed Assets Accelerated Depreciation Policy; DSGE 
AbstractWe analysis the influence on capital utilization rate, economic growth and economic structure stemmed from technological progress shock, fixed assets accelerated depreciation rate and adjusting income-tax rate of the corporation in a framework of DSGE embedded endogenous capital utilization rate. We find out several conclusions. Firstly, technological progress not only raise Chinese capital utilization rate, but reduce capital-output ratio and improve economic structure. Secondly, policies which allowed corporate to accelerate fixed asset depreciation will reduce tax burden in short run, but drop capital utilization rate. However, income-tax rate of the corporation should be raised properly so as to increase long-term capital utilization rate and lower capital-output ratio when enterprise has updated equipment and propel scientific and technologic research in long run.  
Serial NumberWP846 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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