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The Evolution of the Efficiency of Chinese Manufacturing’s Inter-provincial Resource Allocation
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TitleThe Evolution of the Efficiency of Chinese Manufacturing’s Inter-provincial Resource Allocation  
AuthorSun Yuanyuan and Zhang Jianqing  
OrganizationWuHan University; 
Key Words the Efficiency of Resource Allocation; Extensive Margin; Intensive Margin; Industrial Agglomeration; Heterogeneous Productivity 
AbstractThis paper analyzes the evolutionary mechanisms of the efficiency of inter-provincial resource allocation on the intensive and the extensive margin, and analyzes Chinese manufacturing’s the actual evolution path of the efficiency of inter-provincial resource allocation based on Chinese manufacturing’s panel data broken down by sector and region. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) the change in efficiency of inter-provincial resource allocation on the binary margin can be attributed to the interaction of industrial agglomeration and heterogeneous productivity; (2) the efficiency of resource allocation on the extensive margin have worsened, but the efficiency of resource allocation on the intensive margin have improved gradually; (3) the efficiency of the coastal areas’ resource allocation is higher than the efficiency of the hinterland’ resource allocation because the efficiency of the coastal areas’ resource allocation on the extensive margin is higher than the hinterland. The conclusions in this paper show that the key to improve the efficiency of resource allocation is to increase the efficiency of resource allocation on the extensive margin. 
Serial NumberWP841 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
  • Copyright Economic Research Journal
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