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The Mechanism of Growth Pole Formation Based on Non-homogeneous Space
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TitleThe Mechanism of Growth Pole Formation Based on Non-homogeneous Space  
AuthorJia Shanming and Qin Chenglin  
OrganizationCollege of Economics, Jinan University, 
Key WordsGrowth Pole; Non-homogeneous Space; Location Binary Choice Form; Regional Economic Multipoles Growth 
AbstractThe existing theory can not explain the formation and evolution mechanism of growth pole in a specific location limited by assumption of homogeneous space and location monistic choice form. This article puts forward the assumption of non-homogeneous space and location binary choice form reflecting interaction between economic subject and location. The article straightens out the relationship between group, location and settlement by defining concept of group and location, and distinguishing the agglomeration with or without spatial dimension. Then the article construct the binary choice model of growth pole formation on the assumption of non-homogeneous space, and take factor which reflect location endowments elements into the model by matching cost to achieve the objective of model endogenous of non-homogeneous space. The result of model shows that the optimal group density of a location is codetermined by location endowments elements density, matching cost and matching distance. As a result, the initial agglomeration point in accordance with the condition of regional endowments elements under the assumption of interaction between group and location. The agglomeration point which achieves the optimal match of group and location becomes growth pole to promote the development of regional economy growth under the action of accumulative circulation. Further, this article demonstrates the possibility of economy growth pattern of the multi-polar or uni-polar in the different factor endowment conditions. 
Serial NumberWP837 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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