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Models in the Chinese Elderly Care Provision
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TitleModels in the Chinese Elderly Care Provision  
AuthorHuang Sinie and Wang Xiaolong  
OrganizationInstitute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; Beijing Cuncaochunhui Eldelry Care Institute 
Key WordsModels of Elderly Care, Home-based care, Community nursing, Institutional care 
AbstractThis study aims at systematically introducing and analyzing the main models of elderly care service in China. First, China has a tradition of home-based elderly care. Families still play the most important role in providing informal elderly care. Meanwhile, home-based formal service have emerged recently. Second, community nursing for the elderly enables the elderly to receive timely care without leaving their family and community. Community health care centers can play a big part in elderly care provision, while small- to mid-size care institutions located in the communities can act as platforms for home-based, community and institutionalized services. Third, institutionalized care is crucial for certain groups of elderly who lack the capability of living independently with the help of their family or community. Elderly care institutions can be classified by the nature of their funding and daily execution. Finally, a model that incorporates the characters of community nursing and institutionalized care have been established in recent years. This study discusses the above model with a specific example for each of them.  
Serial NumberWP823 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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