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Enterprise Industry Lock-in and Shocks on the Industry Market
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TitleEnterprise Industry Lock-in and Shocks on the Industry Market  
AuthorLi Yuanhua  
OrganizationBusiness School,Wenzhou University 
Key WordsIndustry Lock-in, Production and Manufacture, Market Shocks 
AbstractThe Private manufacturing enterprises are often limited to industry locked-in characterized by production, sales and management inertia and path dependence of a product and confined to familiar and previous business model. As a result, the existing industrial structure, product structure and the corresponding organization can't adapt to the changing industry market. Through the research we can come to the conclusion that: (1) the enterprise industry lock-in are often restricted by rigid production restraint technology dependence and operating costs precipitation and so on, thus a considerable part of private manufacturing enterprises are hard to break through the existing industry lock-in. (2) the effects of industry lock-in on random market shocks are significant at the level0.005,whereas the effects of the random market shocks on industry lock-in are usually inapparent. (3) the larger the value of industry lock-in is the greater the probability of enterprise output Yi affected by the random market shocks So the problems the private manufacturing enterprises facing are: the private manufacturing enterprises are less and less profitable with industry lock-in and increasing intense competition. 
Serial NumberWP820 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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