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The Employment Effects of Happiness——An empirical study on happiness, employment and recessive reemployment
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TitleThe Employment Effects of Happiness——An empirical study on happiness, employment and recessive reemployment  
AuthorLi Shu and Chen Gang  
OrganizationSouthwest University of Political Science and Law; 
Key WordsHappiness; Employment; Recessive Reemployment; Social Capital; Job Search 
AbstractThe happiness is not only the goal of life, but the determinant of the people’s behavior. Based on CHIP data, this paper investigates the impacts of happiness on individual’s employment and recessive reemployment probability in China. The instrumental variables estimates indicate that it does increase individual’s employment and recessive reemployment probability significantly. And it is realized by promoting individual’s social capital and job search. So, the transition of Chinese economic growth mode to improve people’s livelihood and happiness, can release the structural contradictions in labor market in some sense without intensifying the employment pressure. 
Serial NumberWP810 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
  • Copyright Economic Research Journal
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