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On clarifying the positive method of Economics of Post Crisis Era
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TitleOn clarifying the positive method of Economics of Post Crisis Era  
AuthorHu Ming  
OrganizationChina University of Political Science and Law 
Key WordsThe tradition of Mill; Keynesian positive method; Positivism; Logical empiricism; Falsificationism 
AbstractThis paper aims to clarify the best methodology for the mainstream economics of post crisis era, through the analysis of different positive methodology defense strategies. The author argues that, no matter Comtean positivism, logical positivism, the current mainstream of logic empiricism and Falsificationism, can not provide convincing defense for the theoretical system of mainstream economics. In comparison, Keynesian positive method under the tradition of Mill born in the early of new classical economics, not only can still provide the best defense for the mainstream economics, but also can overcome some shortcomings of the current mainstream economics methodology, and can reconcile with the latter by distinguishing specific research and abstract research. Therefore, Keynesian positive method under the tradition of Mill is still a feasible guidance for current economics research. 
Serial NumberWP802 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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