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Political Economy of Urbanization in China:Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment
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TitlePolitical Economy of Urbanization in China:Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment  
AuthorChen Shuo  
OrganizationSchool of Economics,Fudan University 
Key WordsUrbanization; Career Incentive; Urban Expansion, Public Goods; Difference-in-Differences Method 
AbstractExploring the driving forces of Chinese urbanization has a significant policy implication given its importance for Chinese sustainable development. However, rare literatures can be found to address this issue. This paper, basing on DID research design, argues that local officials career incentive is another source of considerable determinants besides market force. We find that the regions which are in charged by first term officials are fast in urban land expansion comparing with their first term count parts. Career incentive story could explain 31% of urbanization since 2000. However, career incentive does not bring out increase in urban population increase and urban resident’s income, and also nor increase in expenditure in public good provision. Urban population share is largely due to marketing forces. 
Serial NumberWP786 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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