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Infrastructure and Non-Infrastructure Capital Stocks in China and Their Productivity: A New Estimate
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TitleInfrastructure and Non-Infrastructure Capital Stocks in China and Their Productivity: A New Estimate  
AuthorJin Ge  
OrganizationZhejiang University of Finance and Economics 
Key WordsEconomic Infrastructure Capital; Social Infrastructure Capital; Non-Infrastructure Capital; Output Elasticity 
Abstract This paper classes the total fixed capital over a country into three categories, namely, economic infrastructure capital, social infrastructure capital, and non-infrastructure capital, and demarcates the range of investment in each of them respectively. Then, it estimates the three categories of capital stocks in China at both national-level over 1981-2012 and provincial level over 1997-2012 according to the demarcation. With the more accurate data, this paper finally estimates the output elasticities of the three categories of capital. The estimation shows that each category plays a positive but different role in economic growth. 
Serial NumberWP774 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
  • Copyright Economic Research Journal
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