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The effect of health investment on production output:Based on cross-country panel data analysis
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TitleThe effect of health investment on production output:Based on cross-country panel data analysis  
AuthorWang Dihai,Huang Liang and Li Hongyi  
OrganizationFUDAN University; The Chinese University of Hong Kong 
Key WordsHealth Investment;Human Capital; Transnational Income Gap 
AbstractThe paper focuses on the role of health human capital and health investment in economic development. Based on Solow (1956) model, this article first develops a neo-classical economic model showing the influences of physical capital investment, health investment and education investment on production output in economic development. Then using two cross-country panel datasets, including one panel dataset of for 138 countries and another panel dataset of East Asia for 10 countries, the study examines empirically the effects of health investment and education investment on per capita output, and concludes that heath investment and education investment both have significant positive effects on output. 
Serial NumberWP768 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
  • Copyright Economic Research Journal
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