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China's Production and Consumption-Based Carbon Emissions and Their Determinants
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TitleChina's Production and Consumption-Based Carbon Emissions and Their Determinants  
AuthorPeng Shuijun and Zhang Wencheng  
Key WordsProduction-Based Emissions; Consumption-Based Emissions; Emissions Displacedment through Trade; Multi-Region Input-Output Model; Structural Decomposition Analysis 
AbstractThis paper estimates China’s production and consumption-based carbon emissions during 1995-2009 based on multi-region input-output model and world input-output database and applies input-output structural decomposition analysis (SDA) technique to investigate relative impact of various factors on their changes. Results show that China’s production and consumption-based carbon emissions increased significantly and production-based emissions were higher than consumption-based emissions in the study period especially after China’s accession to the WTO. Substantial emissions in China’s production-based emissions served final demands of developed countries which shows the phenomenon of ‘consumption in developed countries while pollution in China’. Instead, most of China’s consumption emissions were generated domestically. Therefore, the conventional production-based emission accounting approach used by international climate institutions seems unfair to big exporters like China. Results of SDA show that growth of domestic final demand and change of domestic production structure were two main drivers of China’ production and consumption-based emissions. The change of emissions intensity of production in China greatly offset the increase of production and consumption-based emissions while this buffering effect was weakening during study period. In addition, important drivers of china’s production-based emissions include enhancement of China’s forward international industry linkage, growth of final demands abroad and increase of their production sources in China, which indicates that China’s participation in global production more deeply and extensively during study period had pulling effect on domestic production emissions. 
Serial NumberWP737 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
  • Copyright Economic Research Journal
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