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Land Titling and Land Transferring: Evidence from China
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TitleLand Titling and Land Transferring: Evidence from China  
AuthorCheng Lingguo,Zhang Ye and Liu Zhibiao  
OrganizationNanJing University;; 
Key WordsLand Titling; Transaction Cost; Land Rental Market; Land Rent-out; Land Rent-in; Rental Rate 
AbstractThe obscurity and potential instability in the user right of the agricultural land in rural China bring about much uncertainty in the process of land transferring, which has been becoming an obstacle to the well-functioning of the land rental markets. To address the problem, Chinese government began to pilot a land titling programme nationally in 2011, which confers on farmers written land-use contracts and certification of land contracting rights, based on accurately measuring of the target land. Under a theoretical conceptual framework, this paper investigates the impact of land titling on the transferring of the land-use right, using the data from China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS). The results show that land titling significantly promotes the land transferring (land rent-out, in particular) and the corresponding rental rate.  
Serial NumberWP725 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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