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Anti-dumping, Firm Heterogeneous Response and Export Behaviors
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TitleAnti-dumping, Firm Heterogeneous Response and Export Behaviors  
AuthorSun Puyang, Jiang Wei, Su Dongling  
OrganizationSchool of Economics, Nankai University;; 
Key WordsAntidumping Policy; Firm-level Export; Direct and Indirect Effect; Firm Heterogeneity 
AbstractUsing Chinese Industry Enterprise Database, China Customs Database and World Bank Antidumping Database, our paper employs DID method to investigate the direct and indirect impacts of antidumping policies on firms’ export behavior in China. After that, we use DIDID method to discuss whether firms’ characteristics will influence their responses. The results show that because of antidumping policies of U.S., not only the firm-level exports of dumping products to U.S. drop significantly, but also the exports of other products and the exports to other countries. All of these effects happen in a continuous and dynamic way with the third year experiencing the most severe influence. At the same time, the firms’ operation performance and financial indices are badly worsen, which may be the underlying mechanism of bad export behavior. On the other hand, we find difference in firms’ responses to antidumping policies according to their characteristics. Firms with better initial performance, better financial situation, less subsidies and more diversified operations are less influenced by the U.S. antidumping policies. 
Serial NumberWP710 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
  • Copyright Economic Research Journal
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