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Treaty Ports, Railroad, and Industrialization in Modern China
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TitleTreaty Ports, Railroad, and Industrialization in Modern China  
AuthorLiang Ruobing  
OrganizationSchool of Economics, Xiamen University 
Key WordsTreaty Ports; Railroad; Industrialization; Modern China 
AbstractTreaty ports and railroad play very important roles in the process of industrialization in modern China. This paper investigates the impact of treaty port and railroad on the erection of modern industrial establishments through quasi-experiment method. The results prove the argument of Jia (2013) that treaty port evidently impacted economic development, and suggest that railroad not only strengthened the influence of treaty port, but was the main channel of treaty port’s impact in the late Qing dynasty. Furthermore, we analyze the major mechanism of the influence of railroad by using international trade and food price of domestic market. The results suggest that railroad casted influence mainly through integrating the domestic market rather than promoting international trade. 
Serial NumberWP678 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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