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Gender wage inequality: Evolutionary path and counterfactual evidence
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TitleGender wage inequality: Evolutionary path and counterfactual evidence  
AuthorChen Hao and Zhao Chunming  
OrganizationInstitute of International Economy, University of International Business and Economics School of Economic and Business Administration, Beijing Normal University; 
Key WordsGender Wage Inequality;Gender Discrimination;Non-gender Endowment Differences 
AbstractBy constructing a model of the evolution of the gender wage gap, this paper studies the gender wage inequality sources and evolution from a theoretical perspective, and on the basis of a two-step model by constructing counterfactual weight adjustment, we use CHIP data to exam factors which influence gender wage inequality from endowment differences and gender discrimination. This study shows that: (1) As companies continue to re-evaluate the value of the endowment gender, gender wage inequality has the presence of endogenous and self-strengthening effect. (2) Resident gender wage gap comes mainly from the top, while migrants mainly from the bottom. (3) The age of the female will impact wage inequality which is from non-gender endowment differences as "U-curve" in the form, and the impacts in wage inequality which is from gender discrimination are "inverted U-shaped curve." (4) The gender wage gap will become greater in the higher the level of education for the same level of education of the labor force, but the result of gender discrimination in wage inequality will be greatly eased if women have higher diploma. (5) Women's appearances and actual work time will not affect the trend of the gender wage inequality, but the register location and marriage are very important. 
Serial NumberWP677 
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