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Social Capital, Institutional Environment and Conditional Cooperation
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TitleSocial Capital, Institutional Environment and Conditional Cooperation  
AuthorZhou Yexin, Tu Qin and Hu Biliang  
OrganizationBeijing Normal University;; 
Key WordsConditional Cooperation; Social Capital; Institution; Social Network; Trust 
AbstractThis paper suggests a “Core + Shell” (heterogeneous preference of conditional cooperation + institutional environment) framework and conducts a conventional lab experiment an artefactual field experiment using students and workers respectively to test this theory. The study finds: 1. conditional cooperation is pervasive and all kinds of heterogeneous cores would change the beliefs and cooperation behavior accordingly to different external conditions, meanwhile the “conditional type” is more stable and has a stronger external validity; 2. general trust and social network are important social capitals that influence cooperation level and external validity; 3. a formal institution should match well with informal institutions, or it may decrease the beliefs of the people and then obstacle the cooperation, and even induce negative democracy premium. This paper can not only explain consistently the findings from our experiments and the literature within the framework, but provide robust evidence theoretically and experimentally for policies aiming at improving social cooperation. 
Serial NumberWP652 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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