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Residential Electricity Demand under Time-of-Use Pricing and Increasing Block Pricing: An Analysis Based on DCC Model
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TitleResidential Electricity Demand under Time-of-Use Pricing and Increasing Block Pricing: An Analysis Based on DCC Model  
AuthorZhang Xinzhu and Liu Zimin  
OrganizationResearch Center for Regulation and Competition at Chinese Academy of SocialScience;School of Economics and Management of Southwest University; 
Key WordsResidential Electricity Demand; Increasing Block Pricing; Peak Load Pricing; Discrete/Continuous Choice Model; Two-Error Model 
AbstractUsing residential electricity consumption and household survey data we analyze residential electricity demand under time-of-use pricing cum increasing block pricing (IBP) based on the two-error discrete/continuous choice model. We first convert the mixed pricing structure into a new IBP system, then justify the specification of an DCC model by showing the aggregating behavior around kink points, and finally, estimate the two-error DCC model. Our conclusion is that IBP increases price elasticity significantly with middle-low income households having higher price elasticity and middle-high income households have higher income elasticity and bigger heterogeneity error. Our results contribute to a systematic assessment of IBP implementation in electricity and other sectors as well.  
Serial NumberWP650 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
  • Copyright Economic Research Journal
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