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A comparative study on local government incentives
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TitleA comparative study on local government incentives  
AuthorQiao Baoyun, Liu Lezheng, Yi Xundong and Guo Shen  
OrganizationCentral University of Finance and Economics 
Key Wordspromotion tournament; fiscal incentives; regional cooperation; social welfare 
AbstractTwo local government incentive mechanisms prevail in China: promotion tournament of officials and fiscal revenue sharing. This paper compares social welfare under these two mechanisms based on a model with sequential games between the central government and local government. Given the tremendous regional differences in endowments and economic development level in China, we find that the incentive mechanism based on tournament of officials not only curbs the regional cooperation, but also induces lower level of effort from local officials than the fiscal incentives. Moreover, the fiscal incentive beats the official tournament in terms of maximizing the central government’s utility and social welfare. 
Serial NumberWP641 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
  • Copyright Economic Research Journal
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