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Study on Measurement of Equalization of Basic Pubilc Service and Assessment Method of Financial Ecological Environment
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TitleStudy on Measurement of Equalization of Basic Pubilc Service and Assessment Method of Financial Ecological Environment  
AuthorWu Lichao,Lin Zichen and Guan Yue  
Key WordsPublic services equalization;Gini coefficient;Financial ecological environment;System dynamic GMM 
AbstractWith the continuous improvement of economic development, China's demand for public services shows a gradually increasing trend. However, the degree of regional non-equalization of public services is gradually widening currently, which has become one of the social focus on fairness and justice. The existing literature almost analyzed equalization of public services from a qualitative point of view, but the research based on the level of public services of prefecture-level city in China to explore the status of equalization of public services on province level is still blank. This paper used principal component analysis from the quantitative point to integrate all prefecture-level cities’ public services index into public services score, constructing the Gini coefficient to estimate the level of equalization of public services in all provinces. On this basis, the paper used panel data for nearly a decade by dynamic GMM method to study how the overall quality of regional financial ecological environment dynamically affects on the equalization of public services empirically. The results showed that when the overall quality of regional financial ecological environment improved every one unit, the regional equalization of public services improve 0.009 units. Then, we divided provinces into east, middle and west to regress respectively, the results showed that improving the financial ecological environment of equal magnitude have a greater effect on equalization of public services in eastern region; It’s worth noting that, to the central and western regions, raising the level of economic development have a more significant positive effect on the equilibrium of public service. We can find that the efficiency of financial ecological environment improving regional equalization of public services depends on the level of local economic development to a certain extent. 
Serial NumberWP637 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
  • Copyright Economic Research Journal
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