Abstract | Green technology progress which are biased to energy conservation and cleaner production, is the most important way leading to China's economic growth while improving the environmental quality. In this paper, we examined the mechanisms of economic opening and environmental regulation impacting on technology progress within the framework of biased technology progress from Acemoglu et al.(2012). And we made empirical test to the theoretical analysis, using panel data coming from 33 sectors of china industry from 2003 to 2010, adopting FGLS and system GMM. We constructed Global Luenberger index based on SBM model to measure China’s industrial green technology progress. The main conclusions are: (1)technology progresshaspath dependence, reasonable environmental regulations can change its orientation and will help China industry get on the track of green technology progress; (2)under present weaker environmental regulation and contamination-biased technostructure, impact of China's economic opening on green technology progress can be brought up into positive-going technology spillover effect and negative-going product structuring effect. These two are reflected at different level in the three aspects of opening. Import coordinated with inland work of R&D giving impetus to green technology progress, while export having adverse impact. For FDI, in the mean time, both effects are markedly embodied. The realization of positive-going effect is depended on enhancedenvironmental regulation and proper policy guide. |