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Heterogeneous Needs, Inequality and Assessment of Income Redistribution Policies in China
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TitleHeterogeneous Needs, Inequality and Assessment of Income Redistribution Policies in China  
AuthorZhang,Qiong Wang Jun and Chen Ying  
OrganizationCentral University of Finance and Economics;; 
Key WordsDiversified Need; Scaled Household Income Per Capita; Inequality; Redistribution 
Abstract This article comprehensively assesses effects of China’s redistribution policies from aspects of accounting analysis with the measurement of adjusted household income per capita to equivalence scales, of which are estimated with micro data from annual waves from 1992 to 2009 of Urban Household Survey in China. It first estimates economics of scale and heterogeneous needs for different types of families, to recalculate adjusted household income per capita by scaling household sizes; inequality derived from this adjusted measurement could better proxy unobserved distribution of well-being of which is the starting of considering household inequality and assessing effects of government redistribution policies. This article then finds that: firstly, inequality of urban households in China is getting severer even government transferring policies do significantly contribute to reducing it, of which the policies relate to pension and social aids are the most important ones; secondly, un-scaled household income per capita would further overestimate inequality and underestimate redistributive effects of government transferring policies. 
Serial NumberWP534 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
  • Copyright Economic Research Journal
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